Thursday, May 23, 2013

Flares and dares!

Good Grief! It seems that there are forces in the universe that don't want this experiment or this blog to go forward. Since the first part of April/ last part of March, I have experienced 2 RA flares after going for more than a year with none.

I know they were brought on by changes in schedule and positions at work, both limiting my ability to rest and tiring me out more. It amazes me that people in supervisory positions don't educate themselves more about the ailments of the regular joes and josephines! They just blunder forward, not knowing or caring what they may be asking of someone. That's the end of my rant about uncaring, uneducated employers!

No matter what instigated the flares, they are very hard to deal with and very discouraging to the ambition of finding a new path. So much so that when my Doctor requested that I return to the rheumatologist, I did so.

Much to my surprise I was greeted by a rheumy with a different attitude, still the same person though. She was actually waiting for me in the exam room when I arrived. In 50+ years of going to the doctor I have never had that happen! She actually sat and talked about how I wanted to go forward with my treatment. We decided that we would run the full battery of tests before we took any steps. I explained to her what I had been doing and why I quit coming to see her to begin with. Still, I didn't feel any better.

I was so discouraged I actually considered taking the Mobic the doctor prescribed for me in April, knowing that stuff is so, so bad for you. While I was researching a natural alternative to NSAIDs I read that over 16,000 people die yearly fromf their extreme side effects.. That's right up there with heart attack and above some cancers! Ibuprofen (Motrin & Advil) is an OTC NSAID people (don't you just love all the initials, abbreviations, and acronyms)! Know what you are putting in your body.

Tylenol is not a safe alternative either. It is responsible for numerous deaths from sudden-onset liver failure. Don't expect your doctors to volunteer this information. These drugs are all they have for treatment of so many diseases they would quickly put themselves out of business.

Anyway, getting back to me! I was in a lot of pain and very frustrated. I couldn't get in to see my regular doctor when the flare was at it's peak and only after a cancellation was I able to get in this week! I think they would be easier to see if they actually worked 5 days a week, like the rest of us. I'm beginning to equate doctors with politicians! Surprisingly she was able to get me into the rheumy's office the next day. I guess it helps that they double book appointments there. Causes a lot of waiting when you get there, but you can at least get in when you need to.

To make a long story short (I know, it's too late for that) I am still taking my natural supplements only. In my research I found that curcumin is the most highly cited natural alternative ro NSAIDs, surprise, surprise! I'm already taking that, but only for about a month and a half. Like any good herb (or NSAID) it takes a while for the full effect to be felt in your body, so I will happily continue this herb. I also found that ginger root and to a lesser extent, rosemary, have anti-inflammatory properties also. Guess what I did this morning?! I set some ginger root and rosemary mascerating together, with vodka, in my kitchen/pharmacy. Got to get back to the liquor store!

You should see the stuff sitting, laying, and hanging around in my kitchen! Looks like a witchy kitchen or a mad scientist's lab. Minus the cauldron though. I can't use it on my glass-top stove! I'll take a picture soon and post it on the blog. Right now my old mind is too foggy from the flare to figure out the camera.

If I fail to post for a while know that more than likely something physical is going on with me. It's proving difficult to write a blog about RA while actually having RA. For everyone's sake, I promise not to give up! I dare not rely on a broken system to fix me! That's how I see it, anyway.  Just bear with me, please.

In love and healing light, I remain dedicated to us, to we, to you and me!

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