Sunday, April 21, 2013

Here we go.....Part 2

After a little more than a year of going to the rheumatologist, with her increasing my overall intake of meds and increasing the dose of the old meds, my liver began to be negatively affected. Suddenly I received calls from the rheumatologist and my GP to stop taking the methotrexate and the cholesterol meds, immediately! My feet and legs were swelling from fluid retention and I had to wear those really tight hose they use to have some control over the fluid. Getting those things on everyday was great aerobic exercise and weight training! I've never worn clothes that I had to fight with, until then. Of course, they prescribed Lasix and Potassium so I could sustain the dose of Lasix. They do this with Methotrexate also. They prescribe Folic Acid to keep the methotrexate from killing you quickly! While all this was going on, I was thinking......something is not right with this plan.

When it appeared, based on blood tests and lack of fluid retention, that my liver was functioning again the rheumatologist wanted me to begin the methotrexate regimen again. I attempted to discuss this with her and realized I was trying to talk to someone as they walked away, after spending less than 5 minutes in the exam room with me. Plus giving them $50 every visit! None of that made sense to me and I decided I wouldn't accept it any longer. That's when I stopped taking all the RA meds, including the NSAIDS, which are also very dangerous if used over an extended period.

After about 3 months of no poison I began to notice that I didn't bruise every time something touched me, I didn't have to take Prilosec everyday because of the acid reflux caused by the NSAIDS, and I realized that I didn't feel any worse than I did while taking all those meds. Through it all my feet continued to hurt and my fingers swelled up every night. The meds never stopped that. And it's still true now. After coming through the worst flare I've ever had and reuniting with the dreaded steroid I knew I needed a more pro-active plan. As a certified herbalist, using natural meds and a good naturopath I am stepping onto a new path.

At this point the herbs are mascerating in my kitchen. They have to mascerate at least 3 weeks and today is the 3rd week anniversary of the 'Four Marvel Tincture' for treating RA. Tomorrow morning I will strain it, bottle it, and begin using it. I'm really excited about this tincture. It is made from medicines used for centuries in TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine). They make 'Four Marvel Powder' and compress it into pills or put it in capsules. I am trying the tincture for 2 reasons: 1. Alcohol is known to extract more of the useful substances and 2. liquids are faster acting. In my next post I'll put all the ingredients of my tincture, if anyone wants to try it. The naturopath and I both agree on daily intake of curcumin. It's nature's version of prednisone, the dreaded steroid. I'll also post this along with the dosage size and amount as well as the other tinctures and herbs that I am using for creating a good foundation for this new beginning.

Thank you for joining me on my journey! Hopefully, this will benefit others besides me. That is equally important to me.

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